Buyers/Agents Info

Although our website was developed primarily for our residents, we know there might be questions from people who are interested in purchasing a home in Arranmore. We welcome you to this page and encourage you to review the information we have provided below. We have tried to include many of the questions that would be asked by future homeowners moving to our community, however, if you have a particular question that is not answered below please feel free to email us at:

REALTORS: Please contact the AHOA Secretary for governing documents that go to new buyers and the AHOA Finance for demand letters.  Both can be addressed at 7185 SW Chapel Lane, Portland, OR 97223

Note to Sellers: Pool Electronic Key can be left for the buyer and transferred to the new buyers name. Only one key per household.


How many homes are there in Arranmore? How many people live in the community?

Arranmore Homeowners’ Association consists of 140 single family homes and one unit of three attached homes. It is estimated that Arranmore has a population of approximately 275 residents.

What are the sizes of homes in Arranmore ? Price ranges?
In our community you will find a wide variety in the size of homes. While the overall style of homes is similar there is a wide variety of floor plans and each home is unique. Sizes can range between 1200 sqft to over 3,000 sqft. With this large range in home sizes, there is also a large range in home prices. We recommend you contact a local realtor for specific information on the Portland real estate market.

What are the property taxes like for homes in Arranmore?
The best way for you to get tax information for a specific property in Arranmore is to visit the website Click on the Individual Property/Taxlot link and enter the address of the property you are interested in and click the ‘search’ button. While we are surrounded by the city of Beaverton, and only a few blocks from Multnomah County and the City of Portland, we are in fact located in unincorporated Washington County, so the property taxes (millage rate) are significantly lower.

Approximately how much is the annual assessment and what does it cover?
The 2025 assessment is $1822 for Operating and Contingency Funds and $668 for the Reserve Fund for a total of $2490. These assessments support the maintenance and landscaping of 38.5 acres of common area, operation and maintenance of the swimming pool, sauna and hot tub, the Poolhouse facility and 2 miles of private walking trails. These funds also cover the operational costs of administrative expenses, the landscaping and irrigation as described below.
10 Year Assessment History

What can homeowners expect in the care of their landscape?
Homeowners will have their front yard lawn mowed weekly, including fertilizing and edging for most of the growing season. Leaf removal during the winter months as well as the common areas and streets. The cost of this work is included in the Annual Assessment.

What kind of irrigation is provided in Arranmore?
A well was installed by the association many years ago for irrigation of the common area lawn. It also feeds individual homeowner sprinkler systems if they are properly hooked up with a backflow device and tested yearly. Household (indoor) water is through Tualatin Valley Water District.

What kind of population breakdown do you have in Arranmore?
According to the 2000 census, Arranmore is home to approximately 275 residents who collectively make up a wide range of statistics. Of the total population, families with children make up approximately 15% and another 7% of families have grandchildren who visit regularly. Single individuals make up approximately 32% of the Arranmore population.

Does Arranmore have any public transportation such as a shuttle bus?

Are there homes for rent in Arranmore ?
The association does not require owners to inform us if they are renting their homes, therefore we cannot provide a listing of rentals in the community. We encourage you to use online search tools like Portland Craigslist and .

We are selling our home and need documents to share with the buyer. Where do we find these?
Please contact our AHOA Secretary for governing documents for real estate transactions to be shared with new home buyers. Homeowners can download governing documents from the Homeowner Access private area of the website.